Professor Iman Basheti is among the top 2% of influential researchers globally for 2022

Professor Iman Basheti is among the top 2% of influential researchers globally for 2022

Al-Basheti is currently the president of the University of Applied Sciences, and an honorary professor at the University of Sydney, where her affiliation was renewed there this year based on her active participation in the College of Pharmacy. She has 192 international research papers, and an H-index of 27, the highest in the university she leads.

She was honored this week by the Chairman of the Board of Trustees, His Excellency Dr. Haitham Abu Khadija and the Dean of Scientific Research, Dr. Muhammad Al-Najjar with the shield of the researcher with the most published research studies in the Scopus database at the College of Pharmacy.

She is the innovator of the Medication Management Review (MMR) service in Jordan, whose establishment has been approved by the Pharmacists Syndicate and the Food and Drug Administration, and now it is in the process of activation in cooperation with a reputable group of pharmacists; she has many research studies published in the most renowned international journals that prove the importance of this project for the pharmaceutical sector, patient health and the healthcare system in general in Jordan.


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