Prof. Ibrahim Alabbadi ; Editor-in-Chief Journal of pharmaceutical Sciences (JJPS): it is not only the quality of the research, but also it has to be original and of interest to the audience!
صدر في العاصمة الاردنية عمان، عدد جديد من المجلة الاردنية في العلوم الصيدلانية، والتي تصدر بدعم من صندوق البحث العلمي والابتكار، عن وزارة التعليم العالي والبحث العلمي الاردنية.
ويراس تحرير المجلة الاستاذ الدكتور ابراهيم العبادي الاستاذ في كلية الصيدلة في الجامعة الاردنية والعميد السابق والمؤسس لكلية الصيدلة في جامعة اليرموك، وعميد البحث العلمي سابقا في الجامعة الاردنية.
وقد وجه البروفيسور العبادي الكلمة الافتتاحية في العدد الجديد من المجلة الاردنية في العلوم الصيدلانية ( العدد ١ المجلد ١٣ ، كانون الثاني ٢٠٢٠ )..
Letter from the Editor-in-Chie
I remembered almost two decades from now when I was on my first steps after PhD, that I was very pleased submitting one of my early articles to the Saudi Pharmaceutical Journal (ISI indexed) because the Editor-in-Chief –at that time- was one of my professors who taught me closely and liked me much as top of my class.
Unfortunately, the latter was not accepted and so the first lesson learned: it is not only the quality of the research, but also it has to be original and of interest to the audience!
This is a call for all colleagues working in the pharmaceutical sciences fields to select Jordan Journal of pharmaceutical Sciences (JJPS) as a good choice for their publications.
JJPS is a SCOPUS (Q3) indexed journal looking forward to being one of the Clarivate analytics (web of science) journals soon.
Going through the previous issues of the JJPS give the reader a perception of purely chemical, technical or pharmacological specialized submissions, in which the new editorial board encourage all researchers as well as post graduate students to submit their work in all pharmaceutical sciences’ fields including not only pharmaceutical/medicinal chemistry and microbiology, biotechnology and industrial pharmacy, instrumental analysis, phytochemistry, clinical pharmacy and pharmaceutical care, but also JJPS is welcoming submissions in pharmaceutical business domain such as PharmacoEconomics, Pharmaceutical Marketing and Management . Intellectual property Rights for pharmaceuticals, regulations and legislations are also interesting topics welcomed from our colleagues in Schools of Law.
JJPS will have a new start this Jan 2020 in which the new editorial board decided to publish four issues per year with up to ten articles per issue.
The latter will help researchers see their work published more quickly.
Furthermore, there will be special issues for some well recognized local conferences and scientific gatherings in the field of pharmacy in order to encourage local scientists and their students.
Finally, it really is a great honor to be the new Editor-in-Chief for JJPS for the coming 3 years, will build on the success of my previous colleagues since 2006, ensuring the same quality work where each submitted article will be reviewed blindly by at least 2 reviewers in order to have an objective decision in this regard concentrating more on scheduling time for each review not to delay those decisions.
One last point worth mentioning that this issue is the first with our electronic ISSN number; a step forward for complete electronic process for the journal.
Prof Ibrahim Alabbadi